
3D points cloud data is widely used in the industry to represent shapes in the real world. Compared with the 3D grids, the format of points like (x, y, z) is more intuitive and compatible with mathematics. Not to mention that 3D points data is much easier to store and read. Deep learning tasks on 3d points data mainly focus on object classification and segmentation. One popular model that is used currently to solve these tasks is the PointNet, which trained a permutation invariant model on a set of points. However, a set of points could also be seen as a graph. In this project, we will explore the use of Graph Neural Network (GNN) on 3d Points cloud classification and compare its performance with the PointNet. Image of background

DataSet: ModelNet40 and ShapeNet

In this project, we will mainly train our model on the ModelNet40 dataset. Collected by Princeton, ModelNet40 contains 40 categories of 3d shapes such as airplanes, cars, guitars, etc. Each sample may have 1k - 60k points and also the surface information. Since surface data is not needed in this project, we had a simple preprocessing procedure that extracted points from all samples and stored them in h5py files. The points data will be directly used as the input for our PointNet model.

Points data will also be used to construct graphs. Each data sample (shapes) will be used to construct one corresponding graph using either k-nearest-neighbor or fix-radius. Wanna download two datasets? See details in this link Download

How do we construct the graph?

Like we mentioned, we used k-nearest-neighbor and fix-radius to consturct our graph from points.

Mothods: models with permutation invariancy

Our model’s input is points cloud, which is essentially a set. We all know that a set does not have orders, which means that no matter in what order we passed in our data into our model, as long as the points are the same, our model should have the exact same result. This is what we called the permutation invariance. Image of permutation

Our Result: